Donate and buy preloved toys and you'll be supporting our not-for-profit community project to support families in need, reduce waste, reduce carbon footprints, run fun workshops and raise awareness of the environmental impacts of consumerism.
We love our kids, we love our planet, we love preloved!
05/02/2025 We might not have updated this news page but I promise we've been busy in 2025! Have a look at our 2024 review here.
1/02/2025 Updated opening times: We are currently open 3 afternoons a week: Thursday, Friday and Saturday 1-4pm. Find us at Pippins Community Centre in Axminster!
15/12/2024 Apologies but our webshop is currently out of action. Our bricks and mortar shop is open as usual and if you're local please do come into our project HQ in Axminster and have a look around in person! If there is a toy you have spotted in the gallery that you really want, please feel free to contact us on notoyleftbehindproject@gmail.com and we will do our best to help you. We may be able to organise online payment and delivery or collection in store, but I'm afraid we cannot make any promises.
27/11/2024 Thank you to all our fantastic donors....Our store room is now full!!! We will pause accepting donations now and will re-open for donations Spring 2025.
03/01/24 We're on the radio!!! Listen to us on BBC Radio Devon at 11.30am today!!!
02/01/24 January newsletter - including a review of 2023 and info on our next free workshop (stop motion animation!)
20/11/23 Vouchers ready to be delivered to the food bank to be part of their Christmas food parcels. See here to find out why we prefer to gift vouchers rather than toys and you can help us support more families by buying gift vouchers here. PS Thank you to everyone who has ordered via our website!
09/11/23 Latest newsletter - Cracker-making workshop, hear Rachael Treharne talk, Christmas Eco Fayre in Axminster Guildhall, giftcards for kids and new for this year: Santa's Grotto!
28/10/23 We are very excited to say we are finally ready to offer UK wide delivery! Eeek! Let's have a preloved Christmas across the UK!!
Many thanks to Allen and Nic for all their hard work on the website.
25/10/23 Gift cards now available to buy online!
10/10/23 Booking now open for our Halloween Junk Modelling workshop
15/09/23 Booking now open for our next workshop (paper-making)
31/08/23 Thank you to everyone who joined us during their summer holidays for our drop-in crafting sessions. We've got lots of ideas for the next 6 months of workshops!
16/07/23 Booking is open for our next workshop details here
16/07/23 Our opening times have changed! We are now open Wednesday to Saturday 1-4pm. To open more hours we need more volunteer shop-keepers! If you'd like to join our volunteer team please drop us an email!
30/06/23 We'll be at Goren Festival this weekend running craft activities with a twist of environmental activism "Be a piece of the solution"
25/06/23 A fun junk modelling workshop with Bex from Arts and Smarts!
27/05/23 We hosted a successful painty workshop for all ages, using broken toys to create fantastic prints
12/04/23 Join us on 22nd April for a free print workshop with Tideline prints!
17/03/23 Join us on 5th April for a talk on Climate Science with Dr. Rachael Treharne
15/2/23 Thanks to hard work from volunteers Beth and Allen our webshop is finally ready to pilot! Please bear with us as we iron out any teething troubles. We're really sorry that we cannot offer delivery at the moment. We want to make sure the online system is working smoothly first - and we need to make some team decisions on how we want our parcels to look and figure out how we can make our deliveries as sustainable as possible. Watch this space!
5/1/23 Happy New Year from the NTLB team! After a well deserved Christmas break our volunteers are back and we're open again as usual 1-4pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. We're not quite ready to start accepting donations again, but will be working hard on freeing up storage space and hope to re-open our drop off point later this month.
25/10/22 Our shelves are full! Toy donations temporarily suspended until after you've all done your Christmas Shopping!
17/9/22 Storytime with local children's authors Emily Hobson-Martin and Keri Herbert
1/9/22 End of summer half price flash sale!
19/4/22 Launch event report/can poetry save the world/pocket-money-tastic : Read our spring newsletter here
28/2/22 We are now open! Find us upstairs in Pippins Community Centre, EX13 5AZ. The car park entrance is at the end of Stoney Lane. Everyone welcome to browse, buy, play or chat!
Our opening times are 1pm-4pm, closed on Tuesdays and Sundays.
1/2/22 We'll finally be launching Friday 25th February 1pm! Come and join us for a special launch event in the Community Room at Pippins Community Centre, Axminster! Following our launch the expected opening hours will be 1-4pm, closed on Tuesdays and Sundays. View our February newsletter here.
27/1/22 Our February launch date will be confirmed before the end of the month! Come back soon, subscribe to our update newsletter or follow us on social media so you can get the date in your diary! In the meantime please do let us know if you can help us out by volunteering to sort/check/clean games and toys...there's a lot to do!
Our latest newsletter is here and it includes a mini infographic to show what we've acheived in the first few months of No Toy Left Behind!
It was lovely to meet so many of you when we opened up for a sneak preview before Christmas. We were pleased to be able to help you buy some of your Christmas shopping pre-loved! We are now busy busy busy working towards our official launch in February (launch date TBC)....if you're local to Axminster please fill in this form to let us know if you may be interested in volunteering!
Here are our pre-official-launch Christmas opening times. Come and say hi!
Thank you so much to everyone who supported our successful Crowdfunder and helped us to raise the money we needed to launch the project! You can find our founding supporters hall of fame here!